Pickle ball open play Sundays 2-4pm. Pool opens May 17th.

Capital Campaign Contributions
Donate to restore the tennis courts and add the option of Pickleball which will increase the value of the courts, provide opportunities for more residents to use them, and make the neighborhood more appealing to prospective home buyers who expect a certain caliber of facilities. The total cost is about $175,000 and will increase by 10% - 15% in 2025. In order to avoid depleting HOA reserves, we need to raise funds.
Find More Information
About the Tennis Court Project on Town Square
Review the quote from Baseline to restore the tennis courts.
View the visual plans from Baseline to restore the tennis courts.
Read the letter from the HOA requesting funds to restore the tennis courts.
Sign Auction
Another Opportunity to Give
We will be auctioning off half of the Concord Hills historic street signs at the Summer Kickoff on May 17 2024 at the Recreation Center. We will auction the other half at the Ice Cream Social later this summer. This will be done via silent auction with the funds going toward the tennis court project.
Choose a Donor Tier
Thank You for Donating!
Platinum, Diamond and Gold Donors will be recognized on permanent signage at the Recreation Center, unless you prefer to remain anonymous. You will be prompted to enter these details at checkout when donating online.
Because we are not a non-profit, contributions are not tax deductible.